Hire an Alumni
MediaMKRS Talent Portal
Discover a diverse pool of 500+ talented film and media professionals. The MediaMKRS Talent Portal is your one-stop shop for finding qualified candidates for your next project. With a user-friendly interface and advanced search capabilities, you can quickly find alumni who match your specific needs, including skills, experience, and location. Browse profiles, view portfolios, and contact candidates directly. We're helping numerous line producers and hiring managers find the perfect talent for their projects. Let us help you find yours today!
Browse the MediaMKRS Talent Portal here.
Find talent for your next production from NY, LA or Pittsburgh for the below areas of focus:
Studio Mechanics: Electrics, Grips, Carpenters, Set Dressers
Hair, Makeup and Wardrobe
Art Department: Scenic Artist or Industrial
Production Assistants
Post Production Supervisor, Post Production Coordinator
VFX Producer, VFX Coordinator
Various corporate and creative entry-level opportunities including communications, development, human resources, marketing, post-production, etc.
Meet Our Grads!
Contact our Career Success Manager, Mikel Butler (mikel@reelworks.org), to connect with our alumni pool and discuss your hiring needs.
To learn more about our programs, see below.
“For almost every single film I’ve produced, I’ve gone to MediaMKRS for PA’s and interns, as I trust they’ll be sending me folks who are extremely dedicated, quick-thinking, helpful, and willing to learn and take on all the challenges a film set presents.”
- Jackie Schwartz, Producer
“I thank all of the people with MediaMKRS for helping me with this opportunity and the necessary training that has prepared me for the time to come.”
— Diani Drake 2021