MediaMKRS is the workforce development program within Reel Works. The MediaMKRS program was launched in 2019 as a partnership between the NYC Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment, the City University of New York, media companies and The International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees and to train, credential and prepare talented New Yorkers for careers in media and entertainment.
The MediaMKRS program was born out of the needs of employers and unions to find a more diverse pool of skilled New Yorkers to fill positions in the film and television industries. Since 2019, the MediaMRKS program has expanded to reach marginalized communities in Pittsburgh and Los Angeles.
MediaMKRS aims to diversify the media landscape and create equitable solutions as proven by our innovative MediaMKRS Badges which allow early-career professionals to more effectively demonstrate their skills and abilities to potential employers.
At the heart of MediaMKRS is the vision that to build a diverse and inclusive media workforce, we need to bring together employers, unions, educators and government to set workforce readiness standards and build effective pathways for the media makers of tomorrow.